presents a Bindlestiff Family Variety Arts Inc. Production of
Mammy Project.
Monday @ 8PM,
January 19, 2003 and
Every Sunday @ 5pm Starting February
1, 2003 At the Palace Of Variety
125 West 42nd Street
6th Avenue and Broadway
For reservations please call 212.674.4538
The Mammy
Project, written by Michelle Matlock and directed by Joan Evans,
finally confronts
the American stereotype of Mammy as a white
man’s fantasy, a black woman’s history and a country’s
favorite product. As performed by Michelle Matlock this project travels
from the life and times of Nancy Green (the first woman hired to play
the part of a mammy), through the minstrel show era and silver-screen
Mammies, to the present day where Aunt Jemima is still bought and sold
from her pancake box prison [more].